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5 Skin Conditions Easily Diagnosed and Treated Via a Telehealth Appointment

Feb 21, 2023
5 Skin Conditions Easily Diagnosed and Treated Via a Telehealth Appointment
What’s that on your skin? Is it an insect bite, a hive, or a skin condition? When you want to know quickly if a skin issue is something you need to worry about or not, telehealth can help.

Changes in your skin can range from minor, temporary irritants to chronic long-term conditions and serious, life-endangering diseases. Serious rashes and moles require an in-office doctor visit to properly diagnose. However, many common skin conditions can be diagnosed and even treated through telehealth appointments.

At Leading Edge Dermatology in Plantation, Florida, Elyse Julian, DO, FAAD, provides convenient, discreet telehealth appointments so you can receive medical advice and even prescriptions in the comfort of your home.

How telehealth works

Telehealth allows doctors and patients to interact without an in-office appointment. You can see your doctor virtually using teleconferencing software that allows audio and video connections. 

In most cases, health insurance (including Medicare) covers such appointments, which became much more widespread and commonly used during the pandemic. Telehealth lets you avoid leaving your home and visiting a doctor’s office when your issue is likely to be easily diagnosed and treated remotely.

5 skin conditions that telehealth can help with

Not all problems are appropriate for telehealth visits, as Dr. Julian can’t do some tests remotely, including dermoscopy and biopsies. However, she can diagnose and treat many skin conditions following a simple telehealth visit.

1. Acne

Acne is a common skin condition most often suffered by teenagers, but men and women at all stages of life can struggle with pimples. Dr. Julian can view your acne remotely and recommend appropriate treatment based on her observations (such as anti-inflammatories, antibiotics, and antiseptics).

2. Rosacea

Rosacea causes constant redness and visible veins in the face, especially on the cheeks and across the bridge of the nose. Dr. Julian often diagnoses rosacea during a virtual visit and starts your treatment immediately with an appropriate antibiotic.

3. Eczema 

Eczema or atopic dermatitis often shows up in the first few years of life as an itchy and painful rash in the creases of the knees and elbows, around the neck, and elsewhere in the body. Dr. Julian discusses your child’s symptoms with you, views their condition, and prescribes soothing medications such as creams or ointments.

4. Psoriasis

Psoriasis can cause itchy, scaly patches on the elbows, knees, scalp, and ribcage. Dr. Julian assesses the severity of the symptoms during a telehealth appointment. Following this, she prescribes ointments, topical or oral medications, and potentially a follow-up in the office if the condition doesn’t improve.

5. Fifth disease

Fifth disease, or parvovirus, is a children’s disease characterized by bright red cheeks. This has earned it the moniker ‘slapped cheeks disease’. Dr. Julian can confirm this diagnosis during a virtual visit and instruct you on proper care (usually Tylenol, rest, and lots of fluids).

Are you worried about a skin issue? Schedule a consultation with Dr. Julian at Leading Edge Dermatology today. You can get in touch by calling our Plantation, Florida office at 954-371-2208 or book your appointment online for maximum convenience.